ただいま表示中: ニカラグア - 郵便切手 (1910 - 1919) - 25 切手.

[Government Building in Managua and León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged, タイプ CI2] [Government Building in Managua and León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged, タイプ CJ1] [Government Building in Managua and León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged, タイプ CN4]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
406 CI2 1/3C - 6.51 2.17 - USD  Info
407 CJ1 2/4C - 32.57 21.71 - USD  Info
408 CN4 5/15C - 6.51 1.09 - USD  Info
406‑408 - 45.59 24.97 - USD 
[León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CQ1] [León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CM2] [León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CO3] [León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CJ2] [León Cathedral Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CL5]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
409 CL2 ½/6C - 3.26 1.09 - USD  Info
410 CM1 ½/10C - 2.17 0.27 - USD  Info
411 CQ1 ½/50C - 2.17 0.27 - USD  Info
411A* CQ2 ½/50C - 4.34 1.09 - USD  Info
412 CL3 1/6C - 13.03 3.26 - USD  Info
413 CM2 1/10C - 21.71 8.68 - USD  Info
414 CO1 1/20C - 108 54.28 - USD  Info
414A* CO2 1/20C - 108 43.42 - USD  Info
414B* CO3 1/20C - 2.17 0.27 - USD  Info
415 CQ3 1/50C - 13.03 4.34 - USD  Info
416 CJ2 2/4C - 2.17 0.27 - USD  Info
417 CL4 2/6C - 21.71 8.68 - USD  Info
418 CM3 2/10C - 21.71 4.34 - USD  Info
419 CO4 2/20C - 13.03 3.26 - USD  Info
420 CL5 5/6C - 10.86 4.34 - USD  Info
409‑420 - 233 93.08 - USD 
[Government Building in Managua Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CN1] [Government Building in Managua Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CI1] [Government Building in Managua Stamps of 1914 Overprinted and Surcharged in Black, タイプ CP3]
No. ナンバー タイプ D 美品(ミントコンディション) 未使用 中古 郵便書簡/初日カバー
421 CN1 ½/15C - 2.17 0.54 - USD  Info
422 CP1 ½/25C - 4.34 1.63 - USD  Info
423 CI1 1/3C - 2.17 0.27 - USD  Info
424 CN2 1/15C - 4.34 0.54 - USD  Info
425 CP2 1/25C - 4.34 0.81 - USD  Info
426 CP3 2/25C - 5.43 0.27 - USD  Info
427 CN3 5/15C - 2.71 0.54 - USD  Info
421‑427 - 25.50 4.60 - USD 






